The Topic of the Day is: Tuesday, January 29, 2008
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A Geeky Update

So I got bored online, and rather than waste my time making fake money for an internet game (curse you, MechQuest!) I decided to read some manga. I selected, purely at random from some online manga at One Manga, Alice 19th.

Alice 19th is the story of a girl, Alice, who is essentially characterized as "the cool girl's younger sister." She is put second to her sister in many ways, so much so that it has been ingrained in her own actions. When she rescues a bunny and finds a bracelet, it's revealed that she's secretly a Lotis Master, who uses words to fight darkness in people's inner hearts.

There were a couple of things that interested me about the manga. First of all, it's fantasy, which I always appreciate, with a female protagonist. The first word she picks up through her lotis powers is Courage, so that boded quite well. Secondly, the scenes of fighting the Darkness, when in peoples' Inner Hearts, were very visually fascinating. I like darker manga, especially manga that deals with real, solid emotions that interplay in everyday life.

However, this is about where my interest wanes. The series is a romance, and while I have no problem with that, Alice is unable to do anything about her romantic interest in Bishi-Guy Senpai. Despite picking up the Lotis for courage, she cannot bring herself to tell Bishi-Guy that she has "really likes" him. This looks like this is going to be a pivotal, never-ending plot element (hiding her affection for him), and 11 chapters in (I had a lot of free time) I am already sick of it. Next, while fighting darkness is cool, and I thought it would be a series on the idea of the darkness latent within everyone (after we hear Bishi-Guy's backstory, I had some high hopes), it turns out most of the fighting they've done is quite shallow. We have one mom's bad feelings towards her youngest daughter, and two people suffering from abusive parents. There's no depth to the angst of the characters--it's just there. I guess what I'm trying to say is that they deal with the Darkness in the Inner Heart by waving some magically pretty words and destroying it, thusly making everything vaguely all right again and without looking any deeper into cause and purpose of the darkness underlying everything.

Finally, two key points strongly turned me off this series. The first is its goofiness--the bunny is now a character reminiscent of the cats in Sailor Moon but less cool, and there are a variety of other characters who all goof around. Good for light chuckles but without a real depth it's like putting frosting on pudding (pointless). Secondly, it's a high school story. I can usually tolerate high school stories but honestly this series makes me want to tell the angsty teenagers to get over themselves.

Rating: C; very light active dislike, didn't really keep my attention, a bit cliched.


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Stories I'm currently working on.

***Tbook1 (Time and Chaos, needs a new name, needs to be edited)

***Book of Sun (Just needs to be edited. Tis a Nano novel)

***Book of Whispers part 1 (Does not jive at all with part 2; needs to be rewritten to fit and to have less suckage)

***Book of Whispers part 2 (Needs some rehaul editing, needs some loose ends tied up, needs to fit)

***Book of Whispers part 3 (Needs to be finished... then needs to die o.o Not sure if I need a third part in the series)

***Dium's Story (Needs a point, progress, anything... needs to be integrated into Tbook1, since that is what it is a part of, mainly)

***Trio Story with Jackie and Louise (Maybe we should get together and work on this, guys)

***Demon Story (This is working out pretty good so far. I like the plot, it's a bit convoluted, and the characters are interesting)

***New Witch Story (It's only 30 pages long, dang)

***Dragon's Voices (This has SO much potential! wee!)