The Topic of the Day is: Wednesday, January 30, 2008
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Manga Review: Confidential Assassination Troop (C.A.T.) (SPOILERS)

CAT is a (relatively new??) manga that deals with a twenty-one year old female assassin for hire who is known only as Cat. She apparently works out of the U.S.A.. She rescues a CIA agent from a Russian prison only to kill him for her own personal revenge. While hunting down a Chinese agent to kill, she encounters some Russian secret agents who are biological experiments (ie, really hard to kill) and tangles with them. She meets a black-market doctor living in Russia who takes care of her wounds.

It is revealed that her father killed her mother and himself when she was very young, and for a number of years she lived only with her cats in an abandoned church. She was finally found by the CIA and taken in for training, where she was abused and eventually raped by some of the officers in charge. She broke out of the training and joined up with an assassin-group whose leader she killed when he tried to rape her as well. Since then she has been a hired killer.

Pluses: An interesting, "rough" art-style, and a dark plot. I like the woman being a pretty kick-ass assassin. She's strong and fast and also smart, often using enemies' own strength against them. There are some twists to the plot. I really like it when she gets to know the black-market doctor because we get to see a lot more of her than who she normally appears to be.

Minuses: Cat is one of three women in the entire Manga (so far). Of the other two, one dies quickly, and the other nods her head at the CIA leader's comments. The use of sexual violence in the manga is way overdone. Cat comes out in Russia wearing a freakin swimsuit, which quickly gets ridiculously torn. The Russian assassins get off on cutting "her lily-white virgin flesh" and threatening to rape her, and there are too many crotch shots. It takes her a long while to get reasonable clothing and for the artist to start focusing on her face or action rather than her crotch.

female issues aside, the backstory comes up too quickly (first in the beginning, and then when she meets the black-market doctor) and the plot is pretty transparent so far. She does start questioning her purpose in life once she's killed her rapists, so we get to start looking into what makes her an assassin and gives her her darkness, but overall I get the impression that this is like trying to tell Revy's story from Black Lagoon from her point of view. The way she thinks about her past and future seems to weaken her formerly strong character, and I'm much afraid she's going to start being weak and depending on the doctor for help.

The end of chapter 14 is pretty strong, though, so I might keep reading, so long as there isn't more of the pointless fanservice.

Rating: BC (might keep it up, hoping it gets better, but it has some serious flaws that'll make me drop it quickly if it doesn't).


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