The Topic of the Day is: Monday, February 18, 2008
w w
The word of the day is: Lozenge.

Seriously, what an awesome word. Looooozeeeengeee.... it just sounds fantastic.

other news of the day: being productive, and downloading Saiunkoku (because I can't find my burned copy of it)

oh man. This is a sort've slacker week, without the 85 papers and applications due... but I still need to do the following:

do the reading for my shamanism paper
Write a rough draft of my shamanism paper
do quantum homework. by myself. seriously.
go to the Lunar Eclipse Party.
study cosmology a bunch
finish my McNair paper
renew my license
get guinea pig food
taxes and fafsa, if I'm lucky.

So, remember. A) NASA's putting cool things in our Madison lake, and B) total lunar eclipse on Wednesday night. Go check it out, if it's clear enough.

It's interesting to think about personal growth. I know pretty much everything the university has to tell me about scholarships and grants; even the super-secret-scholarship lady couldn't help me much. I am actually starting to work on things in advance like I planned--I am getting ready to do my taxes and fafsa this week, and I am going to do the GRE soon, and start my list of graduate schools.

I am, in fact, kind of on top of things.

Except for classes, which you've kind've been ignoring.

Actually I've studied for them just as much as I have every other year--that is, not a lot, and I will do more later.

But you were going to turn your grades around

I still am going to. Quantum is--well, quantum is hell, but I think I've been doing okay in it so far. I do have studying and homework to do on it, but I am pretty sure that I can get a B if I do well on all the homeworks and pass the exams. And I got an A on my first cosmology homework set and am getting an A in poetry. And I'm sure I'll do fine on the first Shamanism paper and exam.

I have the time, and I am doing things. I am not ALWAYS as productive as I'd like to be, especially Tuesdays and Wednesdays, but I am OCCASIONALLY as productive as I'd like to be.

.... .... ... sweet!

The inner voice agreeing for once. Things are looking up.


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Stories I'm currently working on.

***Tbook1 (Time and Chaos, needs a new name, needs to be edited)

***Book of Sun (Just needs to be edited. Tis a Nano novel)

***Book of Whispers part 1 (Does not jive at all with part 2; needs to be rewritten to fit and to have less suckage)

***Book of Whispers part 2 (Needs some rehaul editing, needs some loose ends tied up, needs to fit)

***Book of Whispers part 3 (Needs to be finished... then needs to die o.o Not sure if I need a third part in the series)

***Dium's Story (Needs a point, progress, anything... needs to be integrated into Tbook1, since that is what it is a part of, mainly)

***Trio Story with Jackie and Louise (Maybe we should get together and work on this, guys)

***Demon Story (This is working out pretty good so far. I like the plot, it's a bit convoluted, and the characters are interesting)

***New Witch Story (It's only 30 pages long, dang)

***Dragon's Voices (This has SO much potential! wee!)