The Topic of the Day is: Saturday, June 28, 2008
w w
Arecibo Observatory, Day 37

Today's officially the start of my sixth week, and I am just about half way done.

Cool things since last time:
Twin came and visited me!!! YAYYY!!! we went to the local Arecibo beach on Saturday and both burned; then on Sunday we tried to find Bajuras Beach and failed, so we went to Crashboat Beach and snorkeled around a sunken ship (so cool! there were tons of awesome fish and the boat was neat, but the waves were kind've rough for snorkeling). Then we tried to find Tres Palmas beach in Rincon and failed, but ended up at Rincon Beach, which was very peaceful. Lots of nice big waves but nothing to smash on. Twin and I talk a lot when we are in water. Then we headed all the way down through Mayaguez and almost made it to Ponce before we realized we missed our exit; turned around and headed back to find the Bioluminescent Bay in La Parguera. Find it we did (amazing!) and it was really really really sweet. We lucked out and made it out before the moon rose; the sky and the water were very dark, and riding a boat out there is beautiful. The stars were gorgeous; and then when we got to the bay they had people jump in and swim around so we could see the awesome glowingness of their motion. Green fire in waves and ripples.... Finally, on Monday, Twin and I went to the local Arecibo beach in the morning; then she dropped me off up at the Observatory.

Things that suck:
I'm sick. With sneezing and coughing. The coughing's actually getting worse and as a result I won't be going to El Yunque, the national rainforest, today. *is very sad*.
I can't do anything at work. I'm pretty much down to the machine shop stage, so everything I need to do I need to have supervision for, and everyone is hella busy. And next week my boss is gone so I am doubting that I will be able to do anything then either. I have to hope that the guys machine my stuff without me there. And I didn't give them the big picture... I simplified things... so there're a few steps that I'll have to do myself, I think, so that'll be challenging.
I don't know if I'm getting far enough on my project. I know it's only a summer thing but I do want to get stuff done and it's just not happening
I have run out of some food vitals (but fortunately someone is stopping at the grocery store for me today. yay!)
Family + Insurance = strife and suckiness. nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngh. why are my family things so complicated and painful and awful? last night I only prayed for healing for my twin and I and happiness for the rest of the family. And it hurt me to realize how far away and perhaps impossible those things are. Why do Twin and I have to suffer so much in the middle of all the family whirlwinds?

Well, today is a day for staying home and finishing up some responsibilities. I'm going to finish reducing W-STAR data, fix/write my McNair paper, study up through Chapter 3 for the physics GRE, and email the rest of the grad schools in my "recommended" list. I will be productive!



Anonymous Anonymous

Do it! Be productive! (Sorry about the rainforest. Feel better...)

<3 SAJ

3:41 PM  
Blogger Jessica

Sounds like you guys had fun. I miss you both. Hopefully we shall see each other soon. ♥

8:04 PM  

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Stories I'm currently working on.

***Tbook1 (Time and Chaos, needs a new name, needs to be edited)

***Book of Sun (Just needs to be edited. Tis a Nano novel)

***Book of Whispers part 1 (Does not jive at all with part 2; needs to be rewritten to fit and to have less suckage)

***Book of Whispers part 2 (Needs some rehaul editing, needs some loose ends tied up, needs to fit)

***Book of Whispers part 3 (Needs to be finished... then needs to die o.o Not sure if I need a third part in the series)

***Dium's Story (Needs a point, progress, anything... needs to be integrated into Tbook1, since that is what it is a part of, mainly)

***Trio Story with Jackie and Louise (Maybe we should get together and work on this, guys)

***Demon Story (This is working out pretty good so far. I like the plot, it's a bit convoluted, and the characters are interesting)

***New Witch Story (It's only 30 pages long, dang)

***Dragon's Voices (This has SO much potential! wee!)